Celebrate Christmas, for just like birthdays it comes once in a year.

It is a time of giving, a moment of receiving,

a time of sharing between our families and friends.

Celebrate Christmas for it is the birth of a Saviour of the mother earth.

Joy to the world for God so love us that he gave us his only beloved son Jesus Christ.

  So that who ever believes in him will receive eternal life.

Celebrate Christmas, for we are children of God because of Wonderful Jesus,

we all share in the power of God

which is his Holy Spirit that gives life to the world.

 So we all are related families with different personalities,

ways of living…, and foods to share between one another.

Celebrate Christmas, for it is a time of giving

what you can to your families and friends.

The joy of giving is knowing that someone will be happy because of you.

The generous at heart give freely without expecting anything back.

God, our father in heaven loves and blesses a cheerful giver.

Celebrate Christmas for it is a moment of receiving.

When you receive a gift, you feel special.

Knowing that someone thinks about you and loves you dearly.

To receive from man is to be blessed by him physically

but Jesus Christ blesses us with his wisdom 

to make us think and change to live holy everlasting lives.

Celebrate Christmas for it is a special time of sharing.

When you give another person receives.

 That person is made to give not necessarily back to you but to another person.

This act of sharing continues till someone gives you more than you gave out.

So the birth of Jesus has taught us to learn to share with others the good we cherish.

In sharing, differences are put aside and new things received.

 Friends became part of our Family and we all live together as One.

Godwin Eyram Kofi Amponsah  25/10/03-38